

Päd. Begleitmaterial Gruppenanmeldung NEON Trailer 101 Min.*inkl. 20 Min. Filmgespräch


Taiwan 2023 | Che-ming Chang | Short Fiction | 23'30 Min

When a charismatic new student appears, Guang has difficulty concentrating in the school choir.


Japan 2023 | Çağıl Harmandar | Animation | 7'18 Min

Visions of the inside and outside overlap in our eyes. New worlds are created when our eyes meet.


Kolumbien 2023 | Mariana Gil Ríos | Kurzspielfilm | 17'00 Min

Rafaela goes with her sister to her boyfriend's house and is bored. Until she starts to explore the house.

Papillon (Butterfly)

Frankreich 2024 | Florence Miailhe | Animation | 15’00 Min

While swimming in the sea, a man remembers the stages of his life. Happy, glorious and traumatic ones.

Cura Sana

Spanien 2023 | Lucía G. Romero | Short Fiction | 18'09 Min

Jessica suffers from her violent father and takes this anger out on others. Today she is breaking the cycle.

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